Bernie Sanders is on the road, telling voters about the "human infrastructure" badly needed in the USA

"First, we're going to expand Medicare to include vision, hearing and dental. Then to age zero." #MedicareForAll, US Senator Bernie Sanders told a crowd of 2,300 people Aug. 27, 2021. The Indiana voters came out to hear Sanders, who is the current chair of the Senate Budget Committee -- and essential lobbyist/ legislative author of budget reconciliation bills aimed at providing #infrastructure necessary to save the planet from climate change, and #WeThePeople from decades of policy and laws that protect only the 1% global investments' crowd, while providing zero to very inadequate representation to the working and middle classes. 

#BernieSanders is the most courageous politician in the US. I worked his campaign in 2016. Have you any idea the courage it took to take on the Established Corporate Democratic Machine Candidate Hillary Clinton?

He seems to have a good working relationship with (D) President Joe Biden, who is pushing a progressive agenda. Thinking back to the 2016 campaign, main stream media is no longer calling his platform lift-wing extremism. The majority of voters agreed with Bernie then and now when it comes to #FightFor15 (minimum wage), #StopTPP -- another lousy trade agreement that would not have protected workers in the USA, and his views on expanding Medicare and making "Health Care a Right - not for some, but for everyone."

Focus of the Green New Deal

Listen to what film star Bria Vinaite has to say about a Green New Deal. 

It's her generation that will be expected to deal with extreme-weather climate change in a jobless era that will call for an emphasis on a more "social" society.

The focus would be more on the infrastructure to move people forward and better prepare them for success, rather than subsidizing the global corporations and their endeavors that disproportionately benefit the global investor-CEO crowd, who's wealth at the top has risen 216%. 

All boats used to rise together in the US economy, but that has not been true since the late 1970's and early 1980's. It was only true when we had strong labor-law protections, and most manufacturing was done right here at home.

Florida Project film star Bria Vinaite gives a fresh perspective on what it means to the generation that will be expected to deal with extreme weather brought on by climate change, in a jobless era that relies heavily on automation and artificial intelligence.

The Fight For Economic, Social, Racial & Environmental Justice

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is leading a mass-movement of voters aimed at "transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice." It is a lifelong fight by and for the workers and people of the USA against a growing takeover by Corporations and their investors.

Sanders captured 43% of the vote in the Democratic Party primary election in 2016, in spite of voter suppression that did not give independents a vote in the primary elections in many states -- and other roadblocks,  such as requiring voters to declare a party affiliation six months to a year before being allowed to vote in a primary in some states.

The message was clear in 2016, when 75% of all Democratic-voters under age 50 were #NeverHillary and preferred Bernie Sanders. They were joined by voters of every age group and background, and came together as the largest group of grassroots donors in history. Sanders has more than 1.2 million online donors going into this election.

Why Bernie? Because Bernie Sanders has dedicated more than 40 years of his life to fighting for the people on issues of civil rights, affordable education, higher wages, and the ability of the people to have a say in government that has been taken over by an Oligarchy of the richest individuals and multinational corporations. He runs as a Democrat in the primary elections because the two-party system in this country makes it impossible to get into state and national debates, and get on election ballots without party-affiliation, which is not fair to the candidates or the majority of voters. The largest block of voters in this country now identify as INDEPENDENTS!