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Trump and Clinton just issued their required financial reports to the Federal Elections Commission, which shows that Trump's money comes from Real Estate all over the world, while Clinton's money is almost all books and "talks" The FEC is tasked with looking for conflicts not in the best interest of the people. |
Looking At Money In Politics
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama all named former Goldman Sachs banksters Secretary of the Treasury! Do you think it had anything to do with POLITICAL CAMPAIGN DONATIONS? --- Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has vowed NEVER to do that!
Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker (both former Chairman of the Federal Reserve) were also founding members of the Trilateral Commission that designed NAFTA. --- The revolving door of global bankers coming to work in Washington D.C. is well documented. Progressive Democrats, like Senator Elizabeth Warren have been calling them out -- and pushing back against a common practice that allows the global banks to beef up the salaries of these bankers, who are temporarily working in "public service."
Senator Sanders was asked during a #DemDebate: What can a president do from the White House, if Congress doesn't go along with his plans? "I'll tell you this," said Sanders. "There won't be any bankers working in my administration to usher legislation through the Congress."
Hillary Clinton collected $675,000 in PERSONAL WEALTH for just three "talks" to GoldmanSachs banksters immediately after being Secretary of State, just weeks before announcing her run for President of the United States. Her latest financial disclosures [5/19/2016] show, in part, how much money her husband,[read more ->] Bill is still collecting for "talks."
How much money is being pumped into the multi-billion-dollar Clinton family foundation is not disclosed.
It is obvious that Hillary Clinton remains the [read more->] third-way candidate, committed to representing Wall Street and the financial industry, and the multi-national corporations!
It is obvious that Hillary Clinton remains the [read more->] third-way candidate, committed to representing Wall Street and the financial industry, and the multi-national corporations!
Her claim that "We have Dodd-Frank" to regulate and oversee banking proves this point. Because every intelligent person looking at Dodd-Frank agrees that it has been watered down by constant lobbying efforts and is almost useless!
5/18/2016 -- The Morning Joe Show panel concluded, Bernie Sanders is the only hope for Democrats because he is speaking to the working class and the middle class, and speaking out for the people about a lack of representation by the Democratic Party!
5/18/2016 -- The Morning Joe Show panel concluded, Bernie Sanders is the only hope for Democrats because he is speaking to the working class and the middle class, and speaking out for the people about a lack of representation by the Democratic Party!
"I come from the working class of this country, and I will be damned if we will allow the Republican Party whose job is to represent the rich and the powerful to win the votes of working class Americans" who don't feel represented by the Democratic Party -- Senator Sanders told a crowd of 11,000 in California 5/17/2016.
Mrs. Clinton has transcripts of those talks, but for some reason, she does not want the American voters to know what she said behind closed doors, where reporters were not allowed to attend and guests had to sign non-disclosure forms.
She has been asked dozens of times by reporters, by voters at #DemDebates and by Senator Sanders to #ReleaseTheTranscripts.
Initially, she said she would release the transcripts if Bernie released his paid talks... LOL. Well, he's been in Congress for 23 years and has donated the whopping $6,000 to charity from any "talks."
Then she said, "when all presidential candidates release their transcripts."
WELL --- Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have not given any paid talks to banksters! ... So now, she is calling for Donald Trump running on the REPUBLICAN TICKET to release his back taxes before she would be willing to let the voters know what she said in 90 minutes that could possibly NOT be pay-to-play BRIBES! -- Meanwhile, Bill Clinton continues to be paid huge "speaking fees" while his wife is running for POTUS!
The saddest part of the story is that members of the Democratic Party "establishment" don't care! They don't care that their FORMER - working man's party is flooded with lobbyist money from global banking and other global corporations and donations from global #Billionaire profiteers! Party leaders, like DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz reopened the floodgates to allow federal lobbyist donations to the Democratic Party --- Something President Obama banned in 2008. No one seems alarmed that Hillary Clinton is also going after big-money Jeb Bush Republican donors to fight off Senator Sanders, who DOES NOT TAKE BIG-MONEY DONATIONS.
#BernieSanders and his supporters are trying to SAVE the heart and soul of the Democratic Party --- and all the "establishment" wants to do is push him and his millions of voters AWAY FROM THE MONEY POT!!!!!
Donald Trump is now LEADING AGAINST Hillary in the latest national match-up polls and many of the state match-up polls... States Hillary won in the Democratic Primary.
As Democratic Party voters --- we need to think twice about our choice on the party ticket!
Look at the numbers, and realize they are not there for Hillary. She loses to the biggest group of voters -- The Independents, who do not like either big-name party. They will vote for Sanders or Trump.As a Progressive Democrat, I can tell you that we are FED UP! Many Progressives are vowing to vote ONLY for #TrueProgressives down-ticket (PERIOD) because of #RiggedElections for #CrookedHillary.
#Election2016 -- The Year of the Insurgency
30 years Overdue! -- #BernieOrBust.
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