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Possibly the most liberal candidate for president since John F. Kennedy, Senator Bernie Sanders strives to speak, not only to liberal-minded supporters but also to people, who call themselves "conservatives." He has found support among both groups, who are fed up with "establishment politics" that fail to address income inequality, adequate health care, education, jobs, mass-incarceration, police brutality and environmental concerns. --- The next debate is at 9pm ET 1/17/2016  on NBC. The Debate will also be Live Streamed on NBC News - YOUTUBE

Nationwide: JOIN or HOST A Bernie Watch Party

 POST #DemDebate comments to ABC on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ABCNews
--- POST Twitter #DemDebate comments to https://twitter.com/ABC
Use the official event hashtag #YourVoiceYourVote with the moderators on Twitter @DavidMuir @MarthaRaddatz and @JoshMcElveen.

The effect of big-donor election funding in the United States is causing voter apathy and low voter turnout. The #Koch #Billionaires intend to spend a record $899 million this year --- More than the total being spent by the #Republicans or #Democrats.

Congress does not seem to care what the voters think. But most members of Congress are true to their money-base: Focused on tax cuts for the richest Americans, crony defense-industry contracts and huge subsidies for mega-corporations that funnel 95% of all new income to the top 1% via investments in foreign labor manufacturing. 

Sen. Bernie Sanders does not have a Super PAC, ready to launch smear campaigns that distract from the issues. He does not represent #Billionaires. 

Bernie Sanders  is an "honest politician" by all accounts -- and his voting record proves it! He has not gotten rich in Washington D.C. His net worth after 20 plus years in Congress is $600,000.

Bernie Sanders advocates public-funded elections and a national Election Day holiday to make it easier (not harder) for people to #VOTE.

Nov. 6, 2015 -- Rachel Maddow moderated a "First in the South Candidates Forum" with Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley on MSNBC. ---- Details and a video narrated by Maddow of "Bernie Sanders' Political Life."-

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Read More: Follow the 2016 Debates

SAVE THESE DATES: The bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates on Wednesday released the schedule for next fall’s debates. As usual, the debates at colleges in Ohio, Missouri an Nevada after an extensive college campus bidding process. 

If you are a registered #Independent,  ‪#‎GreenParty‬ or ‪#‎Republican‬ --- NOW is the time to change your party affiliation to #Democrat in "closed primary and caucus states" in order to ‪#‎VoteForBernie‬ in the upcoming #PrimaryElections -‪#‎FeeltheBern‬ -- ‪#‎RockTheVote -- ‪#‎Sanders2016‬

The 2016 presidential debate schedule:
– Sept. 26: Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio
– Oct. 9: Washington University in St. Louis
– Oct. 19: University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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