The question was posed by Singularity University Executive Director Salim Ismail at an independently organized TEDx Bay Area event, December 8, 201l, titled "Occupy Male Street."
Singularity University at the NASA Ames Research Park in Silicon Valley has assembled a world class community of thoughtful leaders, academics, and entreprenuers across many fields of exponentially advancing technologies (nanotechnology, genetics, medicine, artificial intelligence, etc.) in order to address humanity’s greatest challenges. SU is training a new generation of leaders to manage exponentially growing technologies.
Singularity University at the NASA Ames Research Park in Silicon Valley has assembled a world class community of thoughtful leaders, academics, and entreprenuers across many fields of exponentially advancing technologies (nanotechnology, genetics, medicine, artificial intelligence, etc.) in order to address humanity’s greatest challenges. SU is training a new generation of leaders to manage exponentially growing technologies.
What we do now in regard to the use of global technology will literally catapult civilization into a higher quality of life or set back the vast majority of the world's people, said Ismail.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through TED.com, annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.
Men go into a "flight or fight" mode under stress - Women "befriend and tend."
These male verses female stress responses are also played out in society as civilizations shift from female to male-dominate architecture systems, and sometimes spend decades correcting the balance.
Wall Street and the globalized financial system are sadly based on an old male architecture system that tends to "chop up abundance" and distribute it among those at the top, while the emerging Internet, Open Source and Occupy movements are based on a female architecture that seeks to nurture and manage abundance, making better use of resources to overcome global issues. "That is why you see government attempts to censor and suppress the Internet with legislation like SOPA," said Ismail, who sees this as a "very damaging" move.
Legendary computer scientist Vint Cerf -- widely hailed as one of the founders of the Internet itself -- came out against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) on Dec. 16, 2011, joining a coalition of most of the Internet's major sites that are trying to foil SOPA and an PROTECT IP Act.
This week, a star lineup of tech industry bigwigs and billionaires went on the offensive on the innovation issue, launching an advertising campaign in newspapers from Silicon Valley to New York to Capitol Hill. Internet VIPs — including Google’s Sergey Brin, eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar and Twitter’s co-founders Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams — blasted the bills as having “a chilling effect on innovation.”
The greatest threat the bills pose is to startups and small businesses.
Venture capitalists argue that young Web services hinged on user-generated content would be most threatened by SOPA and Protect IP. For an investor, it makes them second guess whether to fund a startup because they don’t know if “it’s going to be around tomorrow” or be shut down, according to Brad Burnham, a partner at Union Square Ventures.
With significant backing from Google and NASA, Singularity University opened in 2009 with a renowned cast of faculty and advisors and is poised to become a world class institution for the innovation, collaboration, and leadership that will allow the world to capitalize on the great promise of technology to solve global issues.
Renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil was onboard at the launch of Singularity University at the TED conference in 2009 in Long Beach, CA. “We are now in the steep part of the exponential trajectory of information technologies in a broad variety of fields, including health, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence,” said Kurzweil. “It is only these accelerating technologies that have the scale to address the major challenges of humanity ranging from energy and the environment, to disease and poverty."
The University was founded by a group of leaders, including renowned author and futurist, Dr. Ray Kurzweil, space entrepreneur and chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation, Dr. Peter Diamandis, and Director of NASA’s Ames Research Center, Pete Worden.
The list of faculty and advisors includes several distinguished individuals, including nobel laureates and key players from major universities. Kurzweil serves as chancellor and trustee of the University, along with Diamandis as vice chancellor and trustee, and Salim Ismail, a former Yahoo executive, who works as executive director and global ambassador.
"By focusing on exponentially growing technologies and their ability to address the world’s grand challenges, this interdisciplinary institution will fill a critical need.” said Mr. Chris DiBona, speaking in 2009 on behalf of the founding corporate sponsor, Google.
The University offers several academic programs that serve as a networking hub for interdisciplinary study, and as an incubator for tomorrow’s world-altering companies.
Singularity University (SU) (www.singularityu.org) opened in June 2009 on the NASA Research Park campus with a nine-week graduate level interdisciplinary curriculum designed to facilitate understanding, collaboration, and innovation across a broad range of carefully chosen scientific and technological disciplines. The curriculum is broken out into 10 tracks as follows:
- future studies and forecasting
- networks and computing systems
- biotechnology and bioinformatics
- nanotechnology
- medicine, neuroscience and human enhancement
- AI, robotics, and cognitive computing
- energy and ecological systems
- space and physical sciences
- policy, law and ethics
- finance and entrepreneurship.
In addition to the nine-week graduate level summer session, the University offers several 10-day and 3-day executive level programs throughout the year. These programs will educate and prepare today’s leaders to build and adapt their businesses to the major technological changes that will are on the horizon.
Singularity Hub’s Keith Kleiner is a founding member of Singularity University. Singularity Hub is the source for this information, and follows the latest developments regarding Singularity University.
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