Last week WE MADE HISTORY organizing and mobilizing for Bernie Sanders! Over 100,000 people crowded into 3000+ locations. Watch this great recap of the massive grassroots event and #FeelTheBern!!!! --- Including #Florida Gators Want Bernie 2016.
TODAY -- Aug. 6th 2015 -- The #Democrats -- via the #DNC Democratic National Committee, chaired by Debbie Wasserman Shultz announced the party will SKIP "IOWA" Aug./Sept and set the first debate for Oct. 13th in Nevada on CNN.
There will be only 6 debates total (compared to 26 when Obama defeated Hillary in 2008).
- Oct. 13: Nevada, CNN
- Nov. 14: Des Moines, Iowa, CBS/KCCI/Des Moines Register
- Dec. 19: Manchester, N.H., ABC/WMUR
- Jan. 17: Charleston, S.C., NBC/Congressional Black Caucus Institute
- February or March: Miami, Univision/Washington Post
- February or March: Wisconsin, PBS
The #BernieSanders2016 campaign is unique because it is a political movement, powered by the people and paid for by the people, Not the#Billionaires.
So, what does a people-powered political movement look like?
First of all, there are signs of the #FeelTheBern campaign spread all across the Internet with the most original and creative artwork money can not buy! -- all produced by Artists For Bernie Sanders.

Union workers and local progressive politicians often rally their support, by showing up at events and rallying for some of the main issues -- like the $15 minimum wage and a single-payer heath care expansion of Medicare.
A handful of unions that represent millions of workers have pitched in modest amounts -- $30,000 to $50,000 each.
There are thousands upon thousands of professional people, donating their time, and energy, skills and creative talents to help move the campaign forward.
Veterans of the Occupy Wall Street movement often pitch in technical support, for instance, to make possible the July 29th nationwide simulcast to more than 100,000 people in 3,000 groups, gathered in all 50 states.... which, by the way, was broadcast from an artist's studio-apartment in Harlem.
This is how you make $3 million dollars spend like the $18 million dollars Hillary Clinton has spent so far in this campaign.
There are retired union organizers, news reporters, musicians and graphic artists pitching in to help.
The campaign has thus far hosted a dozen major rally events, attended by crowds of 5,000 to 12,000 supporters. Senator Sanders has a staff in Iowa and New Hampshire, but he has people with busy fingers making phone calls, arranging venues and turning out crowds across the Midwest, as far away as California and Texas, Arizona and Florida. #BurnItDown
There is real passion in this movement, because there is a real need for the people -- millions of people to rise up together to demand that people elected by the people represent the people and not money-interests.
We invite you to join us at
#VetsForBernie for this video!
#WomenForBernie - #Florida4Bernie
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#Bernie2016 #Sanders2016 #Vets4Bernie #VetsForBernie
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