Huge Protest March, Opening Day Of DNC in Philly

We are currently witnessing the collapse of the Democratic Party.
There will be a huge protest march on Monday, July 25th, Opening Day of the #DNCinPhilly --- #MarchForOurLives will be led by Cheri Honkala, an anti-poverty advocate for 30 years and 2012 VP candidate for the #GreenParty -- joined by #BernieSanders supporters, plus homeless veterans, and young people, who feel they have no future due to a lack of educational opportunities, student debt and a lack of jobs! 

The march will include residents of North Philly, the Mother Jones historically poor district of Kensington, where people used to work two or three jobs to keep a roof over their heads -- But now there is massive, permanent unemployment. Things have only continued to get WORSE - NEVER BETTER in Kensington in the last 16 years under both #Republican and #Democratic leadership. #Obama has not made a difference.

There will be a People's Convention and 4 big rally events -- got to 

It's time to lift up the Green Party or form a new party for #OurRevolution in order to break the duopoly of the two-party system that is rotten to the core and no longer represents ordinary working class and middle class families. 


#BeansForHillary --- This whole thing stinks, with the permanently unemployed -- a Beanfest followed by a "fart-in" to talk about people who are permanently unemployed and going without food... HALF the country lives in poverty - and places in North Philly live in DEEP POVERTY. 

 Dr. Cornel West endorses Jill Stein - Green Party for POTUS.

The Green's platform is Bernie's platform. There's no reason why we should support him but not them. Support both, because both stand for what's right. If we get Jill Stein polling 15%, we can get her into the debates. Let's break the two-party duopoly; let's get a voice for good on the stage, in that sea of evil, to represent us - the 99%. Green's platform is Bernie's platform. There's no reason why we should support him but not them. Support both, because both stand for what's right. If we get Jill Stein on enough state ballots to win the electoral votes needed to become POTUS -- she should be on the national debate stage! 

Let's break the two-party duopoly. Let's get a voice for good on the national debate stage in that sea of evil, to represent the 99%. Go to

Follow: #ChrisHedges  -- #OccupyDNC -- #ProtestDNC

Philadelphia mirrors Cleveland, where the Republicans held their convention. Both of these cities have a gentrification district and GREED... that hides and fails to address the needs of the poor and homeless. 

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