Focus of the Green New Deal

Listen to what film star Bria Vinaite has to say about a Green New Deal. 

It's her generation that will be expected to deal with extreme-weather climate change in a jobless era that will call for an emphasis on a more "social" society.

The focus would be more on the infrastructure to move people forward and better prepare them for success, rather than subsidizing the global corporations and their endeavors that disproportionately benefit the global investor-CEO crowd, who's wealth at the top has risen 216%. 

All boats used to rise together in the US economy, but that has not been true since the late 1970's and early 1980's. It was only true when we had strong labor-law protections, and most manufacturing was done right here at home.

Florida Project film star Bria Vinaite gives a fresh perspective on what it means to the generation that will be expected to deal with extreme weather brought on by climate change, in a jobless era that relies heavily on automation and artificial intelligence.

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