"First, we're going to expand Medicare to include vision, hearing and dental. Then to age zero." #MedicareForAll, US Senator Bernie Sanders told a crowd of 2,300 people Aug. 27, 2021. The Indiana voters came out to hear Sanders, who is the current chair of the Senate Budget Committee -- and essential lobbyist/ legislative author of budget reconciliation bills aimed at providing #infrastructure necessary to save the planet from climate change, and #WeThePeople from decades of policy and laws that protect only the 1% global investments' crowd, while providing zero to very inadequate representation to the working and middle classes.
#BernieSanders is the most courageous politician in the US. I worked his campaign in 2016. Have you any idea the courage it took to take on the Established Corporate Democratic Machine Candidate Hillary Clinton?
He seems to have a good working relationship with (D) President Joe Biden, who is pushing a progressive agenda. Thinking back to the 2016 campaign, main stream media is no longer calling his platform lift-wing extremism. The majority of voters agreed with Bernie then and now when it comes to #FightFor15 (minimum wage), #StopTPP -- another lousy trade agreement that would not have protected workers in the USA, and his views on expanding Medicare and making "Health Care a Right - not for some, but for everyone."
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